Help Center / Develop

You can reach our team via email at [email protected]

A thorough, easy-to-understand API platform for developers and maplers alike to craft innovative concepts and services to positively impact the worldwide Maplestory community.

First and foremost, we recommend (and require) you to read through and understand our Developer Legal Disclaimer prior to working with our APIs.

Legally, we don't really have the final say in what you can or can't do with the data contained within these APIs. Our suggestion is that you only use them for purposes protected under Fair Use and/or otherwise non-commercial or non-profit purposes.

We have no control over whether your use of Maplestory metadata/assets violates Nexon's Terms of Use and are not responsible if the company or third-parties take any actions against you.

Before you can utilize any of our APIs, you must register either a Project, which permits you to allow Maplestory Network members to authorize your project/site to access data depending on the provided OAuth scopes. This can be done via the following link.

Alternatively, if you just want to access the APIs yourself, you can instead register a Personal Access Token using the following link.

We require this to prevent abuse and also to comply with any formal requests we might receive from Nexon.

Absolutely not. If we receive a report that our APIs are being used in relation to private servers, we reserve the right to swiftly remove any associated projects/tokens and restrict the associated Maplestory Network account.