Detailed breakdowns on character progress and rankings at your fingertips.
Keep track of your own characters' progress or race against other players. Effortlessly compare two or more characters. No compromises, just digits.

Digits builds upon rankings by providing exclusive details about characters including equipment and historical breakdowns.
To look up a detailed breakdown of any character, simply search for it above. However, if you'd like to track historical (lifetime) progress and changes, you'll need to sign up for an account and add it to your Watch List.
Random Character
Level 270 (27.428%)

How many members' characters reside in each server.
How popular certain classes are between our members.
Frequently Asked Questions
A collection of questions that you might have about this service.
Why don't you list all characters? *f3*
To be as mindful as possible to NEXON, we don't actively/automatically poll for new data as this can put excessive strain on their infrastructure. Instead, we make a single request when a player asks for it and daily requests if a character is added to a player's watch list.
We are exploring other options and will update when possible.
Why doesn't my character's page show equipment?
We use a complex algorithm to determine what cosmetics and equipment a character is wearing, although for certain characters, this process can fail. We're continuously improving this to support as many characters as possible.
Who can view my Watch List?
Watch Lists are always private by default and can only be viewed by yourself! Watch Lists are designed this way to allow you to safely add all of your characters, and then individually toggle privacy per character.