Legal Disclaimer

Our platform provides access to specific assets from MapleStory. As such, it is important for us to display some proper legal disclaimers to keep you (and us) safe and mindful of Nexon's Terms of Use.

We reserve the right at any time to restrict any and all access to our APIs by any means necessary either by request from Nexon, or if you're associated with the Black Wings.

If you have any questions or concerns, please contact our team at

The gist: Do not use this platform to negatively impact any player's experience and always respect copyrights (whether Nexon's or another's).

Usage Compliance

By using this API platform, you must agree to and fully understand the following statements.

  • We are not an official MapleStory platform nor fansite;
  • We are not officially sponsored nor affiliated with Nexon, Nexon America, or NEXON Co., Ltd. As such we:
    • can not grant you exclusive rights to any assets or content;
    • can not guarantee access to any assets or content;
    • can not provide support in any way for issues relating to NEXON or its many properties;
    • can not resolve Nexon account-related issues;
    • are not Nexon employees;

Usage Recommendations

As aforementioned, we cannot grant exclusive rights over the use of this platform and will always comply with requests from NEXON Co., Ltd. We recommend that all developers utilizing this platform fall under the following categories.

  • for purposes protected under Fair Use;
  • for educational or non-profit purposes;

Prohibited Usage

We care about only positively impacting player experiences. With this in mind and in line with Nexon's Terms of Use, the following activities and uses of our API platform are strictly prohibited.

  • usage in relation to hacking tools, exploits;
  • usage with intent to cause harm to our platform;
  • usage with intent to cause harm to MapleStory;
  • usage with intent to harm Nexon;